Tag Archives: people

Your first time…

It’s your first time. As you lie back, your muscles tighten. You put him off for a while searching for an excuse, but he refuses to be swayed as he approaches you. He asks if you’re afraid and you shake your head bravely. He has had more experience, but it’s the first time his finger… Read More »

FAQ about women

I know this FAQ has a high chance of pissing off at least 50% of the population. But remember, being offended is not a condition that is imposed on you. It is a choice you make. So without further ado… Q: How can a woman tell if she is flat chested?A: She look down her… Read More »

Three men and a waitress

There were these three guys at a cafe, drinking their coffee – an American guy, a black guy, and an Ah Beng (a Singaporean reference for a crude uneducated guy). They see a really attractive waitress and comment on her good looks. Next thing you know they start making bets on who can get her… Read More »

The cult of Oprah

It’s amazing how people will bend over backwards to kiss Oprah Winfrey’s behind and hang on her every word. Love for Oprah smacks of deification, except in this case, her worshippers got duped (again) along with their idol when Herman Rosenblat, author of Angel at the Fence: The True Story of a Love that Survived,… Read More »


一女子,开出征婚条件有两点1.要帅2.要有车电脑去帮她搜寻 结果~~~~~~~象棋 这位女子,不服搜出的结果又输入1.要有漂亮的房子2.要有很多钱电脑去帮她再次搜寻的结果~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~银行 此女子仍然不失望,继续输入条件1.要长得酷2.又要有安全感结果搜出的结果是~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~奥特曼 此女子仍然不失望,还继续输入条件1.要帅2.要有车3.要有漂亮的房子4.要有很多钱5.要长得酷6.又要有安全感电脑去帮她再次搜寻的结果~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~奥特曼在银行里下象棋 Technorati Tags: 征婚 条件 电脑 象棋 银行 奥特曼