Tag Archives: China


杨溢出生在重庆,从小就倍受父母的宠爱,是父母的掌上明珠。成人后的杨溢也和父母一样有爱心。不过,杨溢除了对社会、对他人具有的爱心外,对蜘蛛等一些小动物更是具有特别的爱心。 Technorati Tags: 杨溢 爱心女孩 CCTV TV program

One man’s vulgarity is another’s lyric

Bruce Einhorn, Asia regional editor in BusinessWeek’s Hong Kong bureau, wrote a heavily politicised article on China’s snowstorm in which he suggested that “with millions stranded by snowstorms and infrastructure problems, antigovernment protests are likely”. Having recently relocated to Shenzhen and as someone who hails from a country where leaders are arguably elected, all I… Read More »


自从到了深圳后,在日常生活当中碰到了许多听起来不错的名字。就比如我现在居住的单位,业主原本的名字叫雪梅(姓”雪”,稀有吧?). 嫁了姓陈的男士后,就干脆叫陈雪梅, 多方便! 还有就是前阵子看金飞主持的”传奇人物”, 故事里的主人翁叫”常来信”, 信不信由你! Related posts:Real people, real namesHi, my name is OlympicsNicknames for your colleagues