Paris Hilton could have stayed there

By | June 15, 2007

Or could she?

Apparently, a dozen or so city jails across the state of California offer pay-to-stay prison upgrades for offenders whose crimes are considered minor (not sure if this includes DUI and violation of probation) and who are willing to supplement their debt to society with cash. As with anything designed for the rich, this privilege is reserved for elitists in the world of corrections. You have to be in the know to even apply for entry, and even if the court approves your sentence there, jail adminstrators can operate like bouncers, rejecting anyone they wish.

But for roughly $75 to $127 a day, convicts (known in the self-pay parlance as “clients”) can make their jail stay as comfy and luxurious as possible. This includes the right to bring an iPod or computer into their five-star cell. Again, I’m not sure if anyone has ever blogged while serving time. Most, however, are granted work furlough, only returning to captivity to go to bed, often following a strip search, which admittedly is not so five-star a treatment.

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