Tag Archives: computers

Computer, read my mind!

Mind-reading computers seem to be all the rage again. First, Reuters reported that British and American scientists are developing an “emotionally aware” computer that will be able to read an individual’s thoughts by analysing a combination of facial movements that represent underlying feelings. Then, BusinessWeek carried a similar article about a computer developed by British… Read More »

Can Dell continue to deliver?

Two years ago, when Dell revealed its enterprise strategy, I mentioned that the company will drive industry standards even if such standards happen to be proprietary, presumably because of its customer focus. Hell, I was wrong. Dell’s recent announcement that it will start shipping AMD-based servers was not about putting customers first. If the company… Read More »

Is this a virus or what?

It seems that virus writers have created a Trojan that, in addition to harvesting data, deletes illicit files such as warez and porn from infected machines. Called “Erazer-A” (how appropriate!), the malware spreads across P2P networks, where it poses as useful program files. If executed, it scours folders used for P2P applications and erases matching… Read More »