Tag Archives: China


那倒未必。吃的道理很简单,桌子再大,酒菜再多,但一个人每餐能吃下肚的,也只有一个胃那么大的容量而已。 根据“满清十三朝宫闱秘史”:清德宗每食三膳,其馔有数十品,罗列满案。然离御座稍远之馔半已臭腐,盖连日以原馔供也;近御座之馔虽不臭腐,然大率久熟干冷,不能可口,皇上每食不能饱。有时欲命御膳房易一馔品,御膳房必奏明西太后,西太后辄以俭德责之,故皇上竟不敢言 Related post:四海困穷,则天禄永终 Technorati Tags: 皇帝 大鱼大肉 清德宗 御膳房 西太后

Much ado about workflow

One thing that struck me after six months in Shenzhen is the inexplicable obsession with workflow by the locals. Everywhere you go, there is likely to be an established workflow for doing things: Register at counter A, wait for your turn at room B on level 3, pay at counter F on the ground floor,… Read More »

Song of Sand 2008

An interesting video that celebrates the upcoming Beijing Olympic Games with traditional Chinese music playing in the background as an artist continually creates, wipes away and recreates silhouettes on an illuminated surface. Related post:Hi, my name is Olympics