Category Archives: Random Stuff

Same source, different predictions

The weather forecast for today in the newspapers was way off the mark. In reality, it should be something in the range of 13-16 degrees Celsius instead of 16-20 degrees published in the papers. Yesterday was equally inaccurate – the actual temperature was in the range of 14-18 degrees, rather than 16-21 degrees. But the… Read More »


More than 50 animal rights groups in China have urged the state broadcaster not to air a performance involving synchronised swimming by goldfish to celebrate the conclusion of the Lunar New Year festivities. How come human rights groups do not protest when the magic trick involves human beings, like sawing a woman in half?

When will it really expire?

Who determines the appropriate expiry date (or “expiration date” in American English) of a product (particularly a food item)? Have you ever wondered if your can of Coke will remain bubbly for another year as indicated on the expiry date? Well, I have. And I tried to dig up some info on this topic: Nothing… Read More »