10 signs it’s lust

By | September 19, 2007

1. You start using three different kinds of birth control at once.
2. You would rather kiss than talk.
3. You sometimes have so much fun together, you never get around to going out.
4. You’d never be friends with him if he were a girl.
5. You find yourself thinking he’d be the ideal man, if only he had a different brain.
6. He buys all your gifts at Victoria’s Secret.
7. You buy all his gifts at Condomania.
8. You fantasize about eloping to Vegas wearing a strapless red satin dress and getting twin nose rings instead of wedding rings.
9. You begin to think sex in an airplane bathroom sounds reasonable.
10. Your idea of a dinner party is a can of whipped cream and him.

Related post:
10 signs that it’s love

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