Smile, you’re on Sony cameras

By | September 18, 2007

Smile, you're on Sony cameras 1If you’ve ever missed capturing a smiling moment on camera because of shutter lag, you will appreciate Sony‘s new line of digital cameras. The Cybershot DSC-T200 and DSC-T70 sport a “nearly foolproof” smile mode that recognises grinning subjects and then automatically takes a shot. A sequence of six smile shots can be taken without manually pressing the shutter button. And if several people are in the frame, the shutter only fires when the main subject (chosen manually) smiles.

The cameras also include HDTV compatibility via a separately sold cable and photo aspect resizing functions. Retailing at US$400 (DSC-T200) and US$300 (DSC-T70) respectively, the new Cybershot can be pre-ordered from Global shipments are set for later this month.

Technorati Tags: Sony Cybershot sonystyle smiling shutter lag

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