Musical chairs

By | March 30, 2007

Due to a recent reorganisation in my company, some changes were made to the seating arrangement this afternoon. I’ve now moved from a windowed cubicle to a windowless environment, which suits me just fine since I’m not claustrophobic.

A pity, though, that in the haste to move, I did not have the chance to check out the feng shui of the new spot. So I’m not sure if the reassigned workstation is plagued by bad karma (take Britney Spears as a case study) or if I need to mimic the constant “ahem-ing” of its previous occupant as though I have bronchial asthma.

Otherwise, I seem to have more wall area to put up posters and stuff.

Technorati Tags: feng shui claustrophobia bad karma bronchial asthma

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