How competitive are you?

By | October 3, 2006

Would you eat nails for breakfast, as 11% of men and 3% of women said they would in a BusinessWeek survey of 2,509 Americans in middle management and above, 25 years and older, conducted by Beta Rearch Corp. using an online panel?

This reminded me of the season finale of The Apprentice 4 where Randal said “No” when asked if he would also hire Rebecca, his final counterpart in the show. I know a lot of people faulted him for that, but Randal’s choice clearly marked him out as one heck of a competitor. After all, the same survey cited above indicated that 22% of the respondents would fire a good friend (much less a casual acquaintance in a reality show) in order to get ahead. Not to sound sexist, but I think Rebecca clearly has only one thing going for her, considering her dismal record.

Well, no guts, no glory, it goes without saying. However, it would be a sad state of affairs if you were like Danica Patrick, the Indy 500 racer who said she even treats the people beside her when she’s going up a set of stairs as rivals.

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