Incredibly useless website (5)

By | September 13, 2006

Caught with your pants down? If this happened in America, you’re in luck! The Americans have an uncanny propensity to bare and grin it (whatever that’s supposed to mean).

Not convinced? Head down to Butts Across America and find out. This Web site claims to “celebrate the history and importance of America’s great landmarks” (no pun intended). Pictures of people’s bare butts in front of well-known landmarks are posted to the site, together with interesting little details.

The humour doesn’t just stop here. If you click on the image of the globe, you’ll move to another page that links to “Butts Across Art Cars”, “Butts Across Weddings”, “Butts Across Sports”, “Cool Butt Ideas” and “Butts Across Europe”.

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