Coming to grips with news’ naked truth

By | July 8, 2006

Not too long ago, TV news reporting was fairly safe, bar the escaped nipple from a neckline too low, furtive swearword, or the odd prurient commercial.

Welcome to Naked News (, an extension of reality TV where the broadcasters themselves are the news sensation. According to Kathy Pinckert, a spokeswoman for the Web site, the shows are “a European sensibility, with a greater acceptance of the naked body”. Sounds like Michelangelo’s David should be anchoring the news bulletin.

Access is free for those on dialup or broadband Internet connection, but if you wish to view the video streams on full screen (i.e. everything will appear “bigger”), you’ll have to sign up as a member. From US$9.95 a month (pay by credit card), you’ll also gain access to downloadable clips, live videoconference with Naked News Webcasters, high-resolution photos, screensavers and wallpapers.

And if you’re game for a little “exposure”, you can always check out the online talent search contest. But now, I’m headed for a commercial break. Don’t worry; I’ll be back in a flash.

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