Lies, damned lies, and the mess in Iraq

By | September 12, 2006

The Best War Ever is about a war that was devised in fantasy and lost in delusion. It highlights the futility of lying to oneself and others in matters of life and death. And it offers lessons to the current generation so that, at least in our time, this never happens again. In this book, authors John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton quote, to refresh our memories, what several newspapers and pundits had to say about Colin Powell’s performance, including these gems and others like them:

“It is hard to imagine how anyone could doubt that Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction.” – The Washington Post

“Powerful and irrefutable.” – Democratic Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr.

You may also want to check out the interview with Rampton, one of the co-authors.

Related story:
Five Years from 9/11: Mission Unaccomplished

One thought on “Lies, damned lies, and the mess in Iraq

  1. Enemy of the Republic

    And the mission will never be accomplished, unless it was to ruin Iraq, make Americans look even more like jerks, kill people needlessly, get the oil companies richer (that has been successful, indeed), act as though we are doing something when we aren’t and taking down Tony Blair, one of the most intelligent Prime Ministers in England who was dumb enough to back Bush. I’d vote him out too. And that saddens me because I’ve heard him speak and if he had shown some backbone, he might be able to keep his job. Bush is the one who should lose his!


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