Stupid is as stupid does?

By | August 25, 2003

On 14 June 2001, George W. Bush, unaware that a live television camera was still rolling, blurted the following words to Swedish Prime Minister Goran Perrson: “It’s amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity, and incumbency.”

That just about sums up the sorry state of affairs in the US, led by a “president” who cannot hold his tongue together.

Harsh words? Yes. But it couldn’t be worse than those written by Michael Moore himself – “In short, you’ve [i.e. Bush] been a drunk, a thief, a possible felon, an unconvicted deserter, and a crybaby.”

Stupid White Men : …And Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation!Stupid is as stupid does? 1 is a no-holds-barred account of the stupid white men in the land of freedom and democracy, albeit fraught with fallacies and sensationalism, provides ample proof that the neo-con in America is just one big fucking con.

Moore, who rose to prominence with the award-winning Bowling for Columbine, mixes his trademark wry humour with vivid depiction of events and characters in this book. From the “stolen” presidential election back in 2000 to the hapless Democrats, Moore manages to dish out fascinating details in a typical ass-kicking fashion. These include, among others, a rundown (literally) of the son-of-a-Bush and the Chicken Littles in his cabinet as well as a list of Bush Junior’s “accomplishments”, which would have made any dictator in recent history blush.

Moore’s theory
Interestingly, Moore offered a theory on the phenomenon of George W. Bush’s ascendancy to power: “Instead of having to earn it, you have been handed the presidency, the same way you’ve come by everything else in your life. Money and name alone have opened every door for you. Without effort or hard work or intelligence or ingenuity, you have been bequeathed a life of privilege.”

Without mentioning names, Moore’s theory can be applied to someone closer to home. After reading the book, you can also draw uncanny similarities between Corporate America and Corporate Singapore.

All in all, Stupid White Men represents a good alternative read, in huge contrast to the dumbed-down news reports by CNN and Fox.

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