Tag Archives: China


经济危机,到年底了,治安不好,出门注意: 1.如一定要携带单肩笔记本电脑包,请在背包正面写上”同城速递”2.如需携带中型手提旅行袋,请写上”管道疏通”3.如需携带大型拉杆行李箱,请写上”专业保洁”4.如需携带大量纸箱,请写上”商务快餐”5.钱包要写”消毒面纸”6.胸前MP3上裹一层纸,上书”速效救心丸”7.身上如携带更贵重的东西,最好抱个小鸡,写上”小心禽流感”8.如果是大袋值钱的,请用黑色晒图纸袋子包裹,写上:XX公司施工图纸建筑结构水电各10套9.如携带美女同行请在其脑门上贴一”人妖”字样 Technorati Tags: 温馨提示 经济危机 治安

Con job

Before I left Shenzhen for Singapore on vacation, I received this mailer from English First with the last page about some activities held at a local bookstore throughout November for people to experience the joy of learning English. Unfortunately, they couldn’t get it right and called it “English Conner”.

Holy cow!

What if milk powder in China became laced with melamine not because some unscrupulous dairy farmers added the chemical compound to the collected milk, but because it was fed directly to the cow?

Caveat emptor

BusinessWeek recently ran a report about how counterfeit, defective computer components from China are getting into US warplanes and ships (“Dangerous Fakes“, Oct 2). But the crux of the issue is: If you squeeze your suppliers for the lowest price, an unscrupulous one is bound to rip you off to stay in business. That’s pretty… Read More »