Category Archives: Rants & Raves

Make it idiot-proof, and someone will make a better idiot

Somehow, after reading about Steve Johnson’s six-hour ordeal with the iPod, I lost my entire faith in technology’s promise to rescue mankind from all its miseries. If an alleged Internet critic with a respectable organisation like Chicago Tribune can struggle with an idiot-proof product, what hope does the hapless man in the street have? But… Read More »

Overdose of Valentine’s crass commercialism

For Valentine, a pagan priest who lived during the grotesque Roman persecution against Christians, love was more than the mushy stuff we think of today. It was above sentimental feelings or infatuation. It was deeper than sexual attraction or physical desire. It is not based on circumstance, climate, clothes, character or come-ons. It is a… Read More »

Privacy concerns over Google Desktop

In case you’ve downloaded Google Desktop 3 beta, here’s an article at ZDNet about a newly-added feature that may pose “serious privacy implications“. Apparently, the new version allows users to search for files across multiple computers, by storing copies of the user’s documents on Google’s servers. So if the servers are compromised by hackers, there… Read More »