What’s love got to do with IT?

By | February 18, 2006

Plenty. IT folks are a passionate lot who gets agitated over an Apple, excited about anything big, powerful and sexy, and offended by any remote reference to a four-letter word (we mean “geek”, or “nerd”, mind you).

And yes, IT folks do have a strange fascination with four-letter words. From BIOS to SCSI to EULA, they certainly have a lot to swear by. Or swear against, as is often the case for EULA (End-User License Agreement).

But it’s not just IT folks who are passionate about their stuff. Gamers are equally fervent when it comes to defending their genre – be it RTS, FPS, RPG, and what not. (Okay, those are mostly three-letter words, but gamers are a different bunch really.)

Regardless of where you are coming from, technology is not unlike love: Once you’re smitten, you’ve got to have more of it. Of course, there are times when you would rather not be smitten by the Love bug.

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