Here’s a lose-lose proposition for Mac users

By | November 28, 2009

Fancy a way to kill time while you clean up your hard drive? Check out Lose/Lose, a video game reminiscent of the classic Space Invaders that comes with a sobering twist: Each time you destroy an alien, the game deletes a file from your Mac permanently. This is because each alien in the game is created based on a random file on your computer. If your ship is destroyed, the game deletes itself from your hard drive.

Created by Zach Gage, a digital artist in New York City, Lose/Lose appears to be more than just mindless entertainment for those with masochistic tendenciess.

“By way of exploring what it means to kill in a video-game, Lose/Lose broaches bigger questions,” Gage writes on his site. “At what point does our virtual data become as important to us as physical possessions? If we have reached that point already, what real objects do we value less than our data? What implications does trusting something so important to something we understand so poorly have?”

Download and play at your own risk.

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