10 signs you love him more

By | October 4, 2007

1. You always say goodbye last.
2. You take a trip because you need some time alone, and he drives you to the airport but drops you off the curb.
3. Your birthday. You invite him to a celebration dinner with your family and friends. He arrives 45 minutes late.
4. After he introduces you to the best-looking guy at the party, you keep craning your neck to see if he’s watching you flirt.
5. When you stock his favourite beer, he thinks it’s a heck of a coincidence.
6. After the meeting, you call to tell him how it went. He goes, “What meeting was that?”
7. You want more intercourse.
8. You’re confident you’d never leave him.
9. After sex, all you want to do is lie in his arms. He wants to check his e-mails.
10. When you tell him you’re worried that you love him more, he smiles but says nothing.

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