Better than Ronaldinho

By | November 19, 2006

Now that there’s so much buzz about Vietnam due to the APEC Summit in Hanoi, I just thought it might be timely to highlight a unique sport in neighbouring Myanmar.

Called Chinlone, the goal of this non-competitve sport (or should it be dance?) is to push yourself and your team to attempt extremely difficult moves that keep a small wicker ball in orbit. Sort of like sepak takraw, but the moves are a lot more beautiful and no less demanding than other competitive ball games.

If you watch the awe-inspiring video below, you’ll realise that the Burmese players’ skills may even put Ronaldinho to shame. Some players seem to enter a trance-like state and move in ways that make the experience spiritual. It’s a wonder why Myanmar has not had a successful run in the World Cup so far, but then again, some may argue that the beautiful game is no longer beautiful.

One thought on “Better than Ronaldinho

  1. Anonymous

    Well, they can do it because the ball is not the standard football…If it is a standard football, they would not be able to do too many fancy tricks due to the size and weight.

    I do enjoy how the women are capable at playing this though.


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