Tag Archives: food

Holy cow!

What if milk powder in China became laced with melamine not because some unscrupulous dairy farmers added the chemical compound to the collected milk, but because it was fed directly to the cow?

Melamine-laced foodstuff

Ok, it’s becoming hard to keep track, but here’s a (growing) list of foodstuff that have been tainted with melamine: milk powderfresh milkyoghurtcheesebaby cerealchocolatesbiscuitscandiesice creamcoffee creamer Did I miss anything? Let me know. Related post:一个中国人幸福的一天


早晨起床,掀开黑心绵作的被子,用致癌牙膏刷完牙,喝杯过了期的碘超标还掺了三聚氰胺的牛奶,吃根柴油炸的洗衣粉油条,外加一个苏丹红咸蛋,在票贩子手里买张车票,准时赶到地下烟厂上班,九点三十分偷偷用山寨手机看股票从6124.04点跌到1240.点,中午在餐馆点一盘用地沟油炒的避孕药喂的黄膳,再加一碟敌敌畏喷过的白菜,盛两碗杯陈化粮煮的毒米饭;晚上蒸一盘病的瘦肉精养大的死猪肉做的腊肉,沾上点毛发勾兑的毒酱油,夹两片大粪水浸泡的臭豆腐,还有用福尔马林泡过的凉拌海蜇皮,抓两个添加了漂白粉和吊白块的大馒头,还喝上两杯富含甲醇的白酒。唉……这日子过的真是那个爽!!!这就是一个中国人幸福的一天! Related posts:Serving secure and sterile food since 2023应该加多少? Technorati Tags: 黑心绵 致癌牙膏 三聚氰胺 山寨手机 洗衣粉油条 福尔马林