Wrong on the 8 July

Received this mailer from IKEA yesterday and it seems that someone at the furniture retailer either couldn’t get the dates correct or was looking at the wrong month on the calendar.   The mailer mentioned a one-day offer on 8 July (Thursday). Problem is, 8 July is not on Thursday, but on Sunday. To make… Read More »

Some things I have given up

Jaywalking Because you can’t beat the Ferrari Train service Anytime someone tries to juxtapose “train” and “service” in the same sentence, I’m gonna beat the shit out of him/her. Reading the Straits Times Because the crap printed on those pages insults the trees that died in vain Real social interaction Because everyone prefers to talk… Read More »


A friend shared my sentiments about shooting at ISO 100 (“Old habits die hard“) and mentioned that “when I go to [ISO] 400 I feel like I’m cheating”. Well, I’m not sure about that being considered cheating. There are certainly more ways to cheat in post processing than the simple act of pushing up the… Read More »


Just the other day, my son put forth an interesting question: “Papa, is it difficult to earn money? Do you have to work very hard?”So I replied: “Yes”, hoping that this will make him appreciate things more.He followed up with another volley: “Do we have a lot of money?”Anticipating where this conversation is leading to… Read More »

Old habits die hard

The thing about migrating from a film SLR to a DSLR is that there is a tendency to shoot at a lower ISO than what the camera sensor is fully capable of resolving these days.I only realised this when a friend casually mentioned that most of my shots were made at ISO 100 or ISO… Read More »