Gropetrotters at Bitch Countdown

By | January 4, 2010

The video clip depicting a young girl being groped by a few men at the Siloso Beach Countdown on 31 December 2009 in Singapore has been removed from YouTube. But judging from the still images, the “victim” seemed to enjoy the groping… ahem, grouping. Maybe she should have worn something else to the party.
Gropetrotters at Bitch Countdown 1
Gropetrotters at Bitch Countdown 2
Gropetrotters at Bitch Countdown 3
Gropetrotters at Bitch Countdown 4
Gropetrotters at Bitch Countdown 5
Gropetrotters at Bitch Countdown 6

4 thoughts on “Gropetrotters at Bitch Countdown

  1. Anonymous

    I think the girl was drunk and struggling to break free from the molesters.

  2. Anonymous

    "Victim"? It's inappropriate to assume she invited this… Women should be able to wear what they want without being molested. If you don't know the girl personally and can't get her version of events, you shouldn't make presumptions.


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