If you’re lousy and you know it, clap your hand

By | June 8, 2009

Counterintuitive, isn’t it? But that’s exactly what Hans Brinker Budget Hotel in Amsterdam has done. The Dutch hotel, which proclaims itself as the worst in the world, is celebrating its awfulness by bringing out a related book. Check out this video eco-tour for evidence of the hotel’s credentials (or lack of).

If you're lousy and you know it, clap your hand 1With a slogan that goes “It can’t get any worse. But we’ll do our best”, there seems to be a touch of brilliance in Hans Brinker’s approach. The key to perception of quality is often in managing the expectations that go along with it. So by setting the bar so low, it is easier to surprise a customer with service that might well be sub-par. That may be more palatable than making lofty promises and falling short.

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Technorati Tags: Hans Brinker Amsterdam budget hotel eco-tour service quality expectations

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