I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse

By | December 15, 2008

I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse 1Times are bad, so the folks at GreedyPeople.com has come up with a lighthearted way for members to offer/request services from other members in the community, often in a tongue-in-cheek manner. The services range from the serious (fix a car, program a website, go on a date – ok, maybe not the last one) to the hilarious (bother your boss, babysit your pet tarantula, sing a telegram).

Here’s a typical offer:
I will sell my possessions, regardless of sentimental value… trophies, awards, medals, ribbons, original work from art to writing (you would buy not only the work but rights of creation.. it becomes YOUR work), my late great grandfather’s heirlooms. I will sell anything for the right price. Let’s negotiate.

And here the reason for it:
I need money. Badly. Desperately. My $250 car is finally dying, I’m a month and a half late on rent, behind on most bills. My medical expenses are making me lose everything… I can’t afford to have pride. Old accomplishments mean nothing.

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