Guide to translating “personal” advertisements

By | October 22, 2007

Independent Thinker ….. Crazy
High-Spirited ….. Crazy, hyperactive, and throws things
Free-Spirited ….. Crazy and irresponsible
Ample ….. Large
Huggable ….. Large
Zaftig ….. REALLY Large
Fat and Sassy ….. Large and loudmouthed
Slender ….. Skinny
Svelte ….. Anorexic
Petite (I am) ….. Short
Petite (you are) ….. Size 2
Dynamic ….. Pushy
Assertive ….. Pushy with a mean streak
Excited About Life’s Journey ….. No concept of reality
Moody ….. Manic-depressive
Unpredictable ….. Manic-depressive and off medication
Soulful ….. Manic-depressive and quiet
Poetic ….. Manic-depressive and boring
Looking for Mr/Ms Right ….. Looking for Mr/Ms Rich
Very Human ….. Quasimodo
Uninhibited ….. Lacking basic social skills
Irreverent ….. Mean and lacking basic social skills
Aging Child ….. Self-centered adult
Freedom-loving ….. Undependable
Young at Heart ….. Over 40
Youthful ….. Over 50 and in major denial
Chatty ….. Never shuts up
Humorous ….. Watches too much TV and never shuts up
Financially secure (I am) ….. Has a job
Financially secure (you are) ….. Rich
Affectionate ….. Horny
Romantic ….. Horny
Passionate ….. REALLY horny

Technorati Tags: personals advertisements funny stuff translation

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