Probably how “Batman Begins” began

By | February 12, 2006

I was reading American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis and it suddenly dawned on me that the choice of Christian Bale as Batman in Batman Begins was, to put it in Ellis’ term, “premeditated”.

In the chapter titled “Nell’s” (page 206, Vintage Contemporaries, paperback), there is a paragraph that goes:

“Daisy! And Patrick, you devil!” Francesca screeches. “Daisy, what in god’s name are you doing with a stud like Batman?”

And later:

“How’s my face? Bateman, Ben and Jerry are here. Don’t sit there like an idiot. Oh god I’m kidding. I adore Patrick but come on, Batman, look lively, you stud, Ben and Jerry are here.”

Patrick Bateman is played by Christian Bale in the movie version of American Psycho. There you have it!

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