Would Yahoo! have gotten funded today?

By | May 22, 2008

Here’s an interesting take from SatireWire’s archives.

Jerry Yang, Yahoo!: It’s a site where you go to find other sites. And it has lots of other stuff, like news and stock quotes. We call it a “portal.”
Venture Capitalist: The site is called Portal, like Portal.com?
Jerry: No no, it’s called Yahoo!
VC: You’re yelling.
Jerry: No, the site is called Yahoo! The exclamation point is part of it.
VC: But why are you calling it Yahoo! How are people going to know what it does?
Jerry: Branding! We’ll spend millions in advertising and marketing to brand that name into people’s subconscious.
VC: So people will know they can go to Yahoo! to find other sites to go to.
Jerry: Well, partly, yeah. Plus…
VC: So why don’t I just invest in these other sites?
Jerry: Well I… Oh, You’re joking. I didn’t think you venture guys told jokes.
VC: We don’t. Next.

Technorati Tags: Yahoo! Jerry Yang funding venture capitalist satire

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