Where does freedom end for bloggers and online journalists?

By | May 12, 2005

Having read the above article in today’s Today, I would say right here and now.

Seriously, do we have to threaten legal actions everytime someone says something unfavourable? What have we become? A nation of LKYs?

I am appalled that an organisation like A*Star cannot resolve what amounts to a personal spat between Philip Yeo and a hapless individual through amicable means. Follow this link to read quite a different picture of events.

You also highlighted how MM Lee urged Jamie Han to express his views on the Internet if all other avenues failed. The quotes attributed to Lee made him look like a benevolent leader, but wait! Were it not for freedom of speech, this would never have been know:

While freedom of speech can indeed be pushed to the extreme, selective reporting is as good (or should it be as bad?) as not telling the whole truth.

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