Start up your e-business instantly

By | January 22, 2002

Instant E-CommerceWhether you are an entrepreneur looking to start an Internet business or the proprietor of a brick-and-mortal firm planning to go online, Instant E-commerceStart up your e-business instantly 1serves as a good primer. Everything from planning your first e-commerce site to diagnosing and curing common Web site problems is detailed in this paperback.

Written by Kate J. Chase, who has led professional support communities on America Online and Microsoft Network, this book aims to make setting up an e-commerce site as easy as pointing, clicking, and imagining the possibilities. It is helped by the use of several conventions (e.g. margin definitions) to highlight important or interesting information.

The enclosed CD contains a full version of WebSite Complete 4 from Go Daddy Software. With this do-it-yourself software, described in detail in the book, you should be able to develop a fully functional e-commerce site without all the confusion, mystery, expense, and work the author experienced when she first started.

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