The authorities in Shenzhen have been pulling down illegal buildings recently. Here’s one that was done in my own backyard.
The authorities in Shenzhen have been pulling down illegal buildings recently. Here’s one that was done in my own backyard.
Singapore is the 10th most expensive city to live in, according to The Economist Intelligence Unit’s Worldwide Cost of Living survey. The figures on the table (right) represent a weighted average of the prices of over 160 items found in 140 cities, from a loaf of bread to a luxury car. But the PAP government… Read More »
经济危机,到年底了,治安不好,出门注意: 1.如一定要携带单肩笔记本电脑包,请在背包正面写上”同城速递”2.如需携带中型手提旅行袋,请写上”管道疏通”3.如需携带大型拉杆行李箱,请写上”专业保洁”4.如需携带大量纸箱,请写上”商务快餐”5.钱包要写”消毒面纸”6.胸前MP3上裹一层纸,上书”速效救心丸”7.身上如携带更贵重的东西,最好抱个小鸡,写上”小心禽流感”8.如果是大袋值钱的,请用黑色晒图纸袋子包裹,写上:XX公司施工图纸建筑结构水电各10套9.如携带美女同行请在其脑门上贴一”人妖”字样 Technorati Tags: 温馨提示 经济危机 治安
Just when you thought consumer spending in the US is heading for a tailspin, along comes action that makes you wonder. Here are two news reports on Black Friday shopping: Wal-Mart worker dies in stampedeWal-Mart Employee Trampled to Death And I thought only Singaporeans are known for being kiasu. Technorati Tags: Wal-Mart stampede Black Friday… Read More »
The world got out of the massive bout of falling prices, or deflation, during the Great Depression in the 1930s partly through World War II. Would we have to start World War III to dig ourselves out of the current financial crisis? Technorati Tags: World War WWII WWIII Great Depression deflation financial crisis
据报导,深圳有些家庭打算雇用奶妈给孩子提供新奶源,同时有一些在脯乳期的女性,因乳汁过多,打算献身社会,为百姓造福。但谁敢保证奶妈的乳汁并没有受到污染? Technorati Tags: 奶妈 奶源 脯乳 污染