Tahitian Pearls
Although they are commonly called black pearls, Tahitian pearls offer a wide range of colours. In their natural state, they show a palette of infinite, unique shades ranging from cherry, cream, peacock, green, blue, grey to white. Tahitian pearls come in a great number of shapes, usually divided into five categories: round/semi-round, oval/button, drop, circled,… Read More »
Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway
There’s so much “fake it till you make it” vibe in this book that the cup truly runneth over. And chapter 11 took it to a new level of BS with what the author called Higher Self, which “is capable of a high degree of sensitivity and attunement to a harmonious flow within the universe.”… Read More »
Lustrous Silver
The earliest forms of silver artefacts in the form of jewellery date back to the third millenium B.C. Domestic objects are not known in any quantity before those made by Mycenean craftsmen during the second millenium B.C. and later. It was not until the 16th century, with the discovery of vast quantities of silver in… Read More »
The House of a Million Stories
These are my recent haul from BookXcess in Penang. It’s a two-storey book lover paradise in Gurney Paragon. I wasn’t expecting to be buying books on this trip (came for the food) so I was totally unprepared (no $$$, no luggage space). Probably have to come here again sometime in the future. If you’re the… Read More »