Category Archives: Random Stuff

No handball, in Thierry

Just in case you think censorship is a by-product of authoritarian regimes, here’s an example of political correctness in the free world. If you check out the opening few second of Gillette’s “Gillette Champions“, you will notice a minor discrepancy between the French version and most other versions of the commercial. In the latter, all… Read More »

Croaking Crocs

I’ve worn my pair of Crocs for more than four years and they’re still in pretty good shape. Not bad for a piece of rubber, eh? It’s a good thing I haven’t run into these accidents… Related post: Dangerous Crocs

Illegal behaviours

This is a bilingual notice posted on the wall in the elevator of my apartment building. As you can expect, the translation is atrocious. But surprise, surprise! The original Chinese version includes the following flawed sentence: “如发现电梯违法行为,请拨打12365投诉” 试问电梯会有怎样的违法行为?不听使唤吗?还是象恐怖片那样把乘客吃掉? 这句话应该改写成: “如发现电梯内有违法行为,请拨打12365投诉”