A (narrow) passage to Changi Airport

By | December 21, 2020

Cycled from ECP to Changi Airport with the kids on Saturday evening. It was not as enjoyable as riding in the opposite direction towards Marina Bay Sands, partly because there wasn’t much to see along this stretch of the PCN. Parts of the way before the Dino Trail (or whatever you call it) are not well connected, so we had to ride on (sometimes bumpy) footpath.

ECP-Changi Airport

Speaking of the Dino Trail, this is probably the least enjoyable part of the journey because you have to dismount and push the bike through a narrow and congested passageway. It really breaks the momentum of cycling. If you were not wearing a mask when you cycled there, it’s best to put the mask back on as there will be many people passing through in both directions.

Dino Trail

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