Cathay Pacific sex scandal

By | August 13, 2011

Airborne Sex, Mile High Club, or whatever. What’s the big deal with that?

The bigger scandal is not the sex itself. According to sources (as usual, unnamed), the air stewardess involved in the recent Cathay Pacific airborne sex scandal has either resigned or been dismissed. No big surprise here. Only thing is, the pilot on the receiving end of the oral job is reportedly still on Cathay Pacific’s payroll. Apparently, the airline’s management either failed or simply couldn’t find concrete evidence that the pilot in question is the one, despite the fact that he has made a police report admitting that the leaked photos are indeed his. Their excuse? The appearance and clothing of the man in the photo is not clear so his identity cannot be determined. Wow… I can understand if people have trouble putting two and two together, but we’re talking about someone who admitted to the police that he has been caught with his pants down, right?

Wait, there’s more!

If you think the idea of an inflight blow job is far-fetched, Ryanair’s controversial chief Michael O’Leary actually promises this service in business class. Watch the video below to hear it from the horse’s mouth. As befitting any budget airline, prices can go up and down and up and down (ok, you get the picture).

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Sex in the air

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