No more touchy-feely greeting cards

By | February 12, 2008

No more touchy-feely greeting cards 1Tired of sending (and receiving) greeting cards that promote the notion of unwavering and everlasting love? For the upcoming Valentine’s Day, snag a brutally honest card to tell your loved one how you really felt the last time he/she turned up half an hour late for your date.

Yes, no more sugar-coated messages about how love will triump all obstacles. Say in no uncertain terms your annoyance, frustration, anger and feeling of betrayal that your partner has inflicted upon you lately.

The company that offers these cards aims to take on the likes of Hallmark and American Greetings by providing users a truly honest alternative to express their less savory emotions. Personally, I think this is a good idea. When we express negative thoughts verbally, there is a high chance it will escalate into a full-blown argument with unintended consequences. Hence, people who are wary of confrontation often choose to bottle-up their negative thoughts. However, when you put your thoughts down in writing, you have the chance to carefully phrase what you wish to convey and avoid causing unnecessary anguish.

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One thought on “No more touchy-feely greeting cards

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