Is San Antonio Spurs a dirty team?

By | May 16, 2007

Judging from the above video clip of Spurs’ Horryble football-style tackle on Phoenix Suns’ Steve Nash, I would say probably on par with the Knicks. If you’re not convinced, check out this flying Bruce “Lee” Bowen kick!

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7 thoughts on “Is San Antonio Spurs a dirty team?

  1. Anonymous

    As a lifelong NBA fan — and sports fan in general — I can more than appreciate that rules are rules. However, in the course of certain events it becomes apparent that doses of critical thinking and an ability to interpret the rules should replace the rigid literalism that have become commonplace in this league.

    More specifically, the suspension of Amare Stoudemire and Boris Diaw is one of the grossest injustices I can ever remember in any sport. The NBA cannot continue to reward teams for instigating a confrontation. One team knocks a player into the scorers’ table and yet the team that started the incident miraculously comes out smelling like a rose. Where is the justice in that?

    Ironically, the bench rule actually worked in this case. Stoudemire and Diaw were never even close to fighting anyone — they turned around and returned to the bench long before any sort of “Auburn Hills 2.0” could have occurred. Mere human nature dictates that in such a competitive environment people are going to react to a small 6-3 guard being body-checked by a 6-10 forward. The bench rule has created an unrealistic standard — only a true stoic could sit there motionless under the circumstances.

    Instead, the instigating team has actually been rewarded for their grotesque actions. Yes, rules are rules, but their is nothing fair about the suspensions that were handed out today. In the future, punishment should be based on reason and reviewed on a case-by-case basis, not dictated by mandatory minimums. Additionally, the league needs to take into consideration that certain events are indeed instigated — and that instigating teams should never (re: never) come out on top in the end. There is far too much at stake for players and fans alike to throw it all away in the name of league principle.

    Today the NBA had a chance to show that it could do the right thing, yet the league flat out missed the boat on this one. Please review the bench rule this off-season to prevent potentially season-ruining situations in the future,

    Brandon W. Daniel
    Mesa, AZ

  2. Anonymous

    Unfortunately, Amare and Diaw showed a lack of discipline by coming off of the bench. The Spurs collective bench were being sat on by PJ Carlesimo, something that Marc Iavarroni should have been doing (or at least sitting on Amare anyway) to the Suns’ bench. The problem here is that the league had more than enough wiggle room to allow Amare to play Wednesday night. The rule says that the player can not leave the immediate vicinity of the bench. There is plenty of room for interpretation there. You could even go so far as to use Amare’s excuse that he was checking into the game (however unbelievable it may be) to justify allowing Amare to play. Amare did enter the game after the fracas. Tim Duncan came off of the bench earlier in the game when Elson and Jones got entangled. Duncan’s act is worse than what Amare and Diaw did because of the fact that there was no altercation. Duncan coming off of the bench could have caused an altercation to ensue. The problem when rules are subject to interpretation is that you can impose your bias and take cover under the rulebook. A fair resolution would be to suspend Duncan in addition to Amare and Diaw. The lack of suspension of Tim Duncan shows a clear league bias toward the Spurs. I don’t understand why the league would prefer the Spurs style of ball to the Suns style of ball, but this list of suspensions clearly shows they do. David Stern is a coward, evidenced by his “sudden” change of plans to be in Cleveland tommorow night rather than be here. If you are a waiter in this town, and you see David Stern at your restaurant, please pee in his food. Suns in 7, make David Stern come to Phoenix and face the wrath of the desert.

  3. Anonymous

    The press conference with Popovich after the game was gold. He goes decidedly white and seems to get more than a little agitated when asked about what happened. He even ACTUALLY says the words “I had nothing to do with it” – even though he was never directly or even indirectly asked if he something to do with it. He starts tapping his fingers on the desk and looks in the other direction.

  4. Anonymous

    Bruce Bowen is as dirty as an oily rag soaked in garbage water.

    And on top of it, he doesn’t even cop to it. Bill Laimbeer he no pretentions about being a dirty SOB. When Bowen trips somebody, he throws his hands up with the most disingenuous look of innocence you’ll find in the NBA. It’s infuriating. I look forward to when the Spurs no longer have Bowen or Ginobili, so they just be a basketball team again.

  5. King James

    I will kick Bowen’s ass in the Final.

    Cavs to win 4-2

  6. Anonymous

    Spurs can thank NBA commish Stern for advancing over Phoenix. Stern is a joke. Rule states players leaving bench during ALTERCATION to be suspended/fined. Replay the tape…..there was NO altercation….alot of posturing/talking but NO altercation.
    Maybe if Stern was able to extract his cranium from his anal sphincter he could have seen it clearly too.


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