Category Archives: Funny Stuff
When will a fact sound vaguely vulgar?
When it involves the following statements: Oedipus was a motherfucker. A zebra is a hell of a lot bigger than an A bra. Bisexuals masturbate with either hand. Castration takes balls. Even a rat likes to go into a different hole every now and then. Related stuff: One man’s vulgarity is another’s lyric
For NSP’s Goh Meng Seng
Are you humping along?
If you watch this fake infomercial for Humpilates, which combines the flexibility of pilates with the sexability of humping, you will wonder how the hell did Jimmy Kimmel manage to convince (or perhaps, con) so many A-list female stars like Scarlett Johansson, Sofia Vergara, Minka Kelly, Kelly Ripa, Jessica Biel, Emily Blunt, Jessica Alba, Lindsay… Read More »
Master of blame game
Does this remind you of some people in Singapore?
It’s (fill in the blank)
Choose the right profession if you want to have a lot of spare time.