I just found a piece of news online that is more than a hundred years old.
Despite the Pakatan Rakyat not winning the election due to massive fraud by Barisan Nasional, you have taught the cowards in Singapore a valuable lesson on how to vote without fear. True, the PAP may not employ the same dirty tricks played by BN, but what do you call gerrymandering, pork barrel politics such as… Read More »
Legend has it that a Hindu saint who was visiting the Ganges River to take a bath found a group of family members on the banks, shouting in anger at each other. He turned to his disciples, smiled and asked: “Why do people in anger shout at each other?” The disciples thought for a while… Read More »
Many proponents of bigger displays say bigger is better and anyone who feels otherwise is in denial that Apple is falling behind its competition. By that logic, a 5-inch screen would be better, and 6-inch better still. The fact is, with the current screen size on iPhone 4/4S and iPhone 5, your thumb can comfortably… Read More »
Recently, a friend of mine wondered why there’s no men’s synchronised swimming in the London Olympics. I’d like to push the envelope further by suggesting that Olympians resume the grand old tradition and compete in the buff in future games. No, it’s not that I want the Olympics to be turned into a cross breed… Read More »