COVID-19: When Containment Strategy Fails, It’s Time to Mitigate the Risks

By | March 29, 2020

This herd immunity solution sounds counter-intuitive, but it may actually work if the immunity aspects highlighted in the video holds water. I’m no expert in this field so I can’t comment on the point raised by Naftali Bennett.

Also, young people are not exactly invincible in this outbreak, and the first known infant death linked to COVID-19 was announced in the US recently, a devastating reminder that the virus affects people of all ages.

Of course, one could argue that the fatality rate among young people is much lower so it might be easier to break the chain or flatten the curve (whatever you choose to call it) via this demographic.

Certainly, isolating elderly people to protect them from the pandemic seems to be a more pragmatic (and economically feasible) approach than the half-baked social distancing measures or the more extreme lockdown tactic employed by many countries.

For one, most elderly people do not generally require as much mobility and social interaction with a broad spectrum of people in the course of their daily lives. Secondly, placing priority on protecting the elderly from the COVID-19 virus may help to reduce the strain on national healthcare system, as old people are more prone to other complications arising from age-related illnesses.

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