The Napkin The Melon The Monkey: How to Be Happy and Successful by Simply Changing Your Mind

By | December 19, 2017

The Napkin The Melon  The Monkey: How to Be Happy and Successful by Simply Changing Your MindThe Napkin The Melon The Monkey: How to Be Happy and Successful by Simply Changing Your Mind by Barbara Burke
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A short and easy read (130 pages with key points repeated in many places). Conceptually sound, but a bit short on practicality. Those looking for a detailed “how-to” guide may be disappointed. However, considering the amount of effort to read this book, the ROI seems pretty remarkable, especially if you are able to put some of the more salient recommendations to good use.

Here’s a summary of all the “Aha!” moments in the book:

#1: I will always have problems.
#2: It’s not about me.
#3: Problems can be gifts in disguise.
#4: Just sit there. Do nothing.
#5: There is no such thing as a difficult situation.
#6: When all else fails, have a SODA.
#7: Withholding judgment allows me to observe what is.
#8: The nicer I am to myself, the nicer I am to others.
#9: A simple apology works wonder.
#10: The less I talk, the more I learn.
#11: People harmonize when they are tuned to the same frequency.
#12: Great supervisors follow the Golden Rule and do the right thing.
#13: Spreading my wings is the only way to fly.
#14: Give a little. Get a lot.
#15: Remember, we all share the same vine.
#16: United we stand. Divided we fall.
#17: Our stories connect us with each other.
#18: Success comes from bringing out the best in others.
#19: Winners don’t just point out problems. They fix them.
#20: It’s not what happens to you in life, it’s what you do with what happens that counts.
#21: Real freedom comes from letting go of the outcome.
#22: Generous hearts make a difference.

There! On their own, some of these do not seem to make much sense/impact, while others may appear painfully obvious. That’s where the stories of the melons and monkey provide the context. Give it a read if you have a few hours to spare.

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