Will It Fly?: How to Test Your Next Business Idea So You Don’t Waste Your Time and Money

By | July 6, 2017

Will It Fly?: How to Test Your Next Business Idea So You Don't Waste Your Time and MoneyWill It Fly?: How to Test Your Next Business Idea So You Don’t Waste Your Time and Money by Pat Flynn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When I picked up this book from the library, I didn’t realise that the author was someone whose podcasts I have been following for quite some time. Like the episodes from his “Smart Passive Income” podcast, this book is filled with chapters of useful advice for entrepreneurs. There were also a number of tests and exercises designed to help would-be entrepreneurs discover and evaluate the viability of their ideas before they plunge headlong into their (mis)adventure.

The author probably also doesn’t realise it, but one of the chapters let it slipped that some of the book’s content were repackaged from his podcasts. This doesn’t detract from the value of the information, although it does help you to understand why the book is written in such a long-winded, conversational way.

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