IKEA 2012 catalogue

By | October 1, 2011

Went to IKEA Causeway Bay this morning and managed to pick up a copy of the 2012 catalogue after getting past the cashiers. Seemed like the catalogues – each measuring 19cm (W) by 22cm (H) and 1cm in thickness – were fresh out of the oven (so to speak) as they were still stacked on delivery carts. I wonder which printer in Hong Kong produces this catalogue – must have been a helluva job given the size of its circulation.

IKEA 2012 catalogue 1
The IKEA 2012 catalogue is a compact guide packed with plenty of ideas on how to make use of small spaces, which is particularly apt in Hong Kong where space is a premium. Personally, I think IKEA should consider including QR codes on the pages that provide a direct link to their webpage and videos.

On this trip, I was surprised to find separate brochures available for different sections of a home. Each of these brochures (I found three versions, see photos below) is larger than the IKEA catalogue at 21cm (W) by 29cm (H) and focuses on the offerings in specific departments. They are quite handy if you already have something in mind and there are also some useful information within the brochures. It’s a different experience browsing these, compared to the regular catalogue.

IKEA 2012 catalogue 2 IKEA 2012 catalogue 3IKEA 2012 catalogue 4

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