Tag Archives: normal stools

Quick recovery

This morning’s dump was smooth and firm, pretty much in line with the recovery in the global equity market. I should really contemplate using stools to predict market movement. Wait, does that make me an ANALyst?

Getting longer

From something that vaguely resembled the middle finger yesterday, this morning’s delivery extended itself to look like a dagger. Nice!

Another rushed shit

I don’t want to ask what the blog title sounds like, in case someone accuses me of making a racist remark. This morning’s dump was delivered in a hurry due to an early conference call, which is why it was a bit short on length.

Going from strength to strength

Or I suppose it should be “from length to length”. From the short blobs the last few days to the sausage-like delivery this morning, things appeared to be increasingly back on track.

Surprise, surprise

The streak of non-delivery on a Saturday was broken this morning. And the shape of the stools was pretty interesting – I thought I saw some Egyptian hieroglyphics. Did you?