The Master Switch
The Master Switch looks at media industries and their dominant companies of the past 150 years. It’s a long and elaborate tale of the old Bell System, AT&T, Paramount Pictures, RCA, et al. In the book, the author outlines a recurring cycle in which a particular industry starts off in a state of chaos with… Read More »
The Little Boy
Once a little boy went to school.One morningThe teacher said:“Today we are going to make a picture.”“Good!” thought the little boy.He liked to make all kinds;Lions and tigers,Chickens and cows,Trains and boats;And he took out his box of crayonsAnd began to draw. But the teacher said, “Wait!”“It is not time to begin!”And she waited until… Read More »
COVID-19: When Containment Strategy Fails, It’s Time to Mitigate the Risks
This herd immunity solution sounds counter-intuitive, but it may actually work if the immunity aspects highlighted in the video holds water. I’m no expert in this field so I can’t comment on the point raised by Naftali Bennett. Also, young people are not exactly invincible in this outbreak, and the first known infant death linked… Read More »
Don’t limit our children’s imagination based on the model we know today
Digital Minimalism
This book would have difficulty gaining traction during the halcyon days of social media. As it is, the tide seemed to have turned these days, with many people “threatening” to delete their Facebook profile. According to Cal Newport, a digital minimalist is someone who “can have fun with friends and family without the obsessive urge… Read More »