Author Archives: 5tephen 4eo

Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done

Never mind the long-winded intro. Perfectionism took a bad, and unfair, rap in this book when the author oversinplifies the reason why people fail to finish what they started. In trying to pin everything on perfectionism as the main cause, the author makes assumptions and generalisations that undermine otherwise valid arguments. The research data, based… Read More »

What Would Apple Do?

The author makes a compelling argument that the younger generation of ‘digital natives’, who have grown up with new media, often do not really understand what they’re doing on the Internet and use, for example, Facebook without any idea of what happens to all their data. Other than that, this book offers no new insights… Read More »

Star Trek Seekers: Point of Divergence

The Tomol saga picked up the pacing in this book, although the authors (not David Mack who wrote the first book) deemed fit to recount the backstory on several occasions, apparently for the benefit of those who read Book 2 in isolation. This interrupted the natural flow of the story at times. There were also… Read More »

Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Long Mirage

Halfway through the book and I was still wondering what’s the point of it all. Yes, it’s that bad. Not helping is the fact that part of the story is set in a place called Las Vegas (duh!) and there were too many references to casinos and related activities. Exciting read probably for those who’ve… Read More »

Bad English: A History of Linguistic Aggravation

A book that should be a mandatory read for grammar police, not because it will serve as a bible for their war on error, but because it will be so frustrating for them to agree with. Take for example the word “decimate”. This is used improperly to refer to “destroying something or a large portion… Read More »

Books That Changed History

Books like this, including the books highlighted in this book, are one of the reasons why it still makes sense to read a printed publication. Yes, you can probably get all the same information online (or even in PDF), but you will not have the same experience of viewing the scrolls and fragments in full… Read More »