The Fall: The Poisoned Chalice

By | May 17, 2020
The Poisoned Chalice

Things took a while to build up in The Poisoned Chalice, but is it worth the wait? Depends on whether you have the patience to bounce around from one plot to another (no pun intended). The problem with this is that the author left little room for a satisfying resolution to the situation the book started with, so you’ll have to read the next installment to find out more.

Then there’s also the author’s annoying use of “the other person” as a substitute for a pronoun, which sometimes causes confusion. Just read this part between Vale and Atia:

Best to air that out now rather than later, Vale thought. “Commander,” she halted by a maintenance duct. “This assignment has come out of nowhere for both of us, and I’m sure we share a sense of having our routine disrupted. But I hope that isn’t going to be an issue. My posting here isn’t a reflection on the performance of you or the crew of the Lionheart. I want you to be clear on that.”

Atia watched her for a moment, and then the other woman’s expression softened slightly. “Know that questions were asked and answers found absent. In light of dark days, those who know not find solution in rumor.” She stiffened again. “Such things are quashed aboard Lionheart if they fall to earshot……”

Tell me, who is the other woman?

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