Star Trek: New Earth – Rough Trails

By | October 6, 2019
New Earth - Rough Trails

I don’t normally read a series out of cycle, but my daughter picked up this book for me from the library, not knowing that it’s book 3 of 6. Not wanting to waste her good intention, I decided to read it nonetheless.

However, it was an unfortunate coincidence that when I started reading this book, the haze hit my country (again). There’s just so much description of the environment in the storyline that it reads like a National Geographic documentary.

In Rough Trails, Sulu, Uhura and Chekov take centerstage in what seemed like an adventure of the BFF on Belle Terre, only to be interrupted by lots of dust, olivium and a third partThee. The book started off so slow that you might think you’re watching “Seconds From Disaster”.

The pacing picked up only when there’s more conversation going on at the tail end of the book. In the end, it must surely come as a surprise that the irreverent colonists of Llano Verde didn’t consider changing the name of the colony itself after the flood.

For all its flaws, Rough Trails underlines how, in the absence of reliable communication systems, fake information and rumours are so hard to debunk.

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