Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible

By | July 25, 2001

Photoshop 6 for Windows Bible 1Talk about blowing your own trumpet! This book by Photoshop expert Deke McClelland has a good five pages of praises for it right at the beginning. The eulogies shouldn’t bother you too much if you have time to spare, but they may seem like overkill when you really dig into the book.

Nonetheless, this ‘bible’ is more fun to read than the real one, despite what the author termed as “a few feeble attempts at humour”. It is filled with everything you need to know about Photoshop and perhaps a few others you don’t – such as superlatives regarding the book and/or the author. Between the covers of this awesome book, you’ll find plenty of practical tutorials plus a CD-ROM containing Photoshop plug-ins, stock photos and additional chapters in PDF format.

The author also makes no attempt to rein in his enthusiasm about Photoshop as he peppered the book with interesting comments on the software’s functionality. As can be expected from a book of this nature, icons are generously littered throughout to help readers focus on important information such as tips and cross-references. The icons are ideal for people who like to skim books to figure out what the heck’s going on.

All in all, this book is thick as a Bible, but would you have time to read it?

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