Tag Archives: loose stools

Pre-dawn delivery

Woke up around 4am this morning for this unscheduled dump. Must have been something I ate last night. The salted egg? Chicken wings? You may ask, “Can this activity be scheduled?” Well, I don’t know about you. Mine’s usually just after breakfast.

Curly wurly on the move

Normally, when you have your dump, you would expect the shit to stay put [put]. But this morning’s stools did a bit of a migration while I was bracketing the shots. And if I tell you this is how it ended up, you’ll probably say, “You’re kidding!” Right. This was actually the second delivery, roughly… Read More »

Was that my intestine or what?

My regular iPhone camera continued to show signs of problems (magenta discolouration, shutter freeze) so I took a shot of this morning’s dump on my old Samsung flip phone. The quality, as you can imagine, wasn’t very good. And that applied to the shit as well. But you may notice that the shape is a… Read More »

Contingency measures

This morning’s dump was done a hurry so I didn’t have my usual camera with me. Instead, I took these with my old Nokia Communicator (was reading an e-book with it). But the quality (of the photo, not the shit) was worse than I thought.

KFC caused this?

Apparently I was wrong about the weekend theory in yesterday’s post. Never knew chicken little can be lethal chicken…